Albury Cemetery Data Information

The actual data has been separated from this information to help those who wish to view the data alone without any preamble. The actual data is at data.htm.


The listing is individual based in a row and column format, i.e. a table or spreadsheet. If a person were married, then that person would be entered again in the spouse's data. The sorting is by surname and then by first names. If there is no data, then the individual item of information, called a cell, is left blank by the program. Don't get too excited if the first ones seemed to be more blanks than data; go down the list to the Adam surname and you will see a full row of information. In the comments column to save space, "y" is used for "years", "m" is used for "months", and "d" is used for "days, such as 79y 10m 2d which would be 79 years, 10 months, and 2 days. The "dd mmm yy" format is used for dates, such as 8 May 30 for May 8, 1930; this should not cause a problem because there is a birth date and death date column.

One other note on dates. As an reminder to myself, in the Comments field, I have used the full year format such as "4 Jun 1877-18 Aug 1924" to indicate that I have a confirmation of the data in another source. A date in the format "4 Jun 77-18 Aug 24" indicates that I have not found a confirmation source.


+ - used as John + Mary, instead of John & Mary. The "&" ampersand confuses dBASE.
A - adjacent, used for the closest plot number when graves are in former roadways or lanes.
[BR] - burial record, where the actual register has been found.
C - centre, used to designate the centre section of the 1877 addition.
d/o - daughter of
[FR] - family record. The data was supplied by the family.
i/d/o - infant daughter of
i/s/o - infant son of
s/o - son of
W - west, used to designate the west section of the 1877 addition.

Location Information

The Cemetery data is based on plots. However, the actual graves are not laid out in a good square pattern and as well there is considerable variation in each of the yearly sections. To find a grave on the cemetery, use the Locator group.

Locator Group 1 is on the eastern side of the Cemetery and Locator Group 8 is the most westerly grouping. Roads or distinctive features are used as dividers for the different locator groups. This sketch of the locator groupings shows the locator grouping superimposed over the yearly additions. Locator groupings go from the front (road side) of the cemetery to the back fence. If you are going to the Cemetery to find a grave, use this method. The Locator Groupings are:

Within each Locator Group, the distance from the north or road end of the burial plots to the back of the cemetery is divided into quarters. The start to one-quarter of the way back is zero (.00); one-quarter (.25) is the from one-quarter back to one-half back; one-half (.50) is from one-half back to three-quarters back; and three-quarters (.75) is from three-quarters back to the back fence.


Because it would take too long to go over the data while you are on line, the easiest way to handle this is to bring up the data, then do a File, Save As and save the data on your computer. You can then go off line. It should not take much longer than two minutes. When you are off line, use your browser and open up the file using File, Open. You can print the data but it takes 50 or so pages depending on your set-up. You can also bring up the file in a word processor either as HTML or as text, which would allow you to print part of the data.